Capacity building programme on Mushroom Production Technology

Capacity building programme on Mushroom Production Technology

ICAR-Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar organized three days residential Training cum Capacity Building Programme on ‘Mushroom Production Technology’ during 2 to 4 July 2024. A total of 15 women farmers from Mahura village, Satyabadi block of Puri district of Odisha were participated in the program. The training program started with assessment of training need of the participants and pre-evaluation. After that the technical sessions was started with highlighting the importance of mushroom consumption for eradicating malnutrition of farm families. The training program comprises of mushroom cultivation, spawn production, processing and packaging of mushroom followed by practical demonstration. The farm women were aware to follow scientific management practices for higher income through mushroom production. Besides these the measures for occupational health hazards, safety precaution and market linkage were also discussed for establishment of mushroom enterprise. Dr. Mridula Devi, Director, ICAR-CIWA encouraged the participants to take up mushroom production as an enterprise and also highlighted that before establishing mushroom production unit proper market avenue strategies should be planned. The training program ended with evaluation of the training program and feedback collection. Critical inputs like mushroom spawn bottles and packaging materials were distributed to the SC farmwomen under the SCSP programme. The programme was coordinated by Dr. Jyoti Nayak, Dr. Sachidananda Swain, and Dr. Tania Seth and technically assisted by Mrs. Geeta Saha and Mrs. Tapaswini Sahoo.

Image of Capacity building programme on Mushroom Production Technology
Image of Capacity building programme on Mushroom Production Technology
Image of Capacity building programme on Mushroom Production Technology
Image of Capacity building programme on Mushroom Production Technology
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